
Saturday, July 20, 2013

I Choose You - Some Things I'm Loving

I've got another Things I'm Loving post for you today. There was a lot to love this week. There always should be though, right?

Song: Sara Bareilles has a new album out and I'm totally in love with a particular song on the album called 'I Choose You.' It makes me think of my Husband (and Pokemon haha). I think this would be perfect at our Wedding Reception we'll have on our Anniversary next year.

Birthday's: My Husbands 30th Birthday was a lot of fun. I really think he enjoyed his day a lot. Read more about his Birthday here! It was also our pup Penny's 7th Birthday!

Hippie Hair etc: I simply adore this headband. I found it at Loft last Sunday. My Brother and Husband said I look like a hippie. I'm down with that. I wore this look a few days ago when we went to my Husband's boss's house to see the new baby! He was super precious and I loved getting to hold him for a while and have him nap on me. =)

Puppy Kisses: Enough said. 

Flowers: Surprise flowers are always awesome! Hubby brought these beauties home on Thursday. They smell amazing!

Games and my Bro: And now to show you my truly geeky side. I finally got back to some gaming this week with my Brother. We've had lots of fun with a new game. We talk over skype and play together. It's been quite the mood booster. I love my brother!

That's all for now y'all! If you'd like to join the link up you can go to Katie Did What!


  1. Awww yay happy birthday to your hubby!!! He does NOT look 30! :) You are super cute in that "hippie" headband too! Rock it, girl.

    Thanks for linking up with me!!


    1. My hubby says thank you! I'm a little obsessed with that headband hehe! =)
